2025 RISE for Schools Competition Launch

Each year, our group of universities work together to host the International SEEDS Conference. SEEDS stands for Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society and researchers from across the world come together to showcase examples of new and original ideas and projects of how we can make our environment healthier and more sustainable.

For the fourth year running, we are inviting younger students to also think about ways we can create a sustainable future for our planet. The RISE for Schools competition encourages school students to make their voices heard about their research and ideas on how to make a more sustainable world. Ideas in the past have included ways to tackle climate change, develop new materials for construction, reduce plastic use and save water. This year, in particular, we want you to think about encouraging others to live sustainably as part of their everyday lives.

The posters from the competition will be displayed at the SEEDS conference for all of our researchers from across the world to see!

Submissions are encouraged from any aspect to do with the way we can build and live sustainably and poster entries are FREE.

Winning schools will receive prizes such as certificates, a trophy and book vouchers.

The closing date for entries is Friday 4th April 2025.


How to enter

Create a poster on your idea, project, process or product for how we can live more sustainably. Ideas can be linked to a project you have been studying in class or an individual idea. Entries can be submitted by individuals, pairs or groups of 3 and schools can submit multiple entries.

In order to enter, please produce an A4 or A3 sized poster outlining your idea. Your poster should include text, images and where possible, facts and figures that support your ideas.

Key Points to think about:
• What is your key idea?
• What aspect or issues of sustainability does your poster address?
• Why is it important to address that issue?
• What are the current and future benefits?

Please email a photo of your entry to LSIconference@leedsbeckett.ac.uk

In the email, please include:

- Attachment of a photo of poster entry/entries (JPEG, PNG or PDF file)
- School name
- School's contact name and email address
- Year group of pupil/s


Powerpoint brief and examples of previous entries

We have a PowerPoint brief that can be used in your class with some prompts and examples of previous entries. Use the links below to download the flyer and PowerPoint:

RISE for Schools 2025 Flyer.pdf

RISE for Schools Brief 2025.pdf

Please email LSIconference@leedsbeckett.ac.uk if you have any queries.